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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7507


GISPERT ABREU, Estela de los Ángeles; CASTELL-FLORIT SERRATE, Pastor  y  HERRERA NORDET, Mirtha. Health with everyone for the wellbeing of all: An urgent need. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2011, vol.48, n.3, pp. 194-198. ISSN 0034-7507.

Health is one of the more valuable properties of the humanity, an expression of social development and the route for understanding among countries, thus, we must to demand the right to it and to assume the duty of integration for its culture. The conviction of need of integration for health must to be from the different disciplines of health sciences, and after to may induce the effective integration of the other sectors of society and economy. Being the health a complex and multicausal system, the will to do integrating efforts from the different health sciences and from the different social actors is fundamental for the wellbeing of everyone; it is in keeping with the idea of victorious love expressed by José Martí: "With everyone and for the wellbeing of everyone" which is an urgent health need.

Palabras clave : Health; integration; Stomatology; Dentistry; social actors.

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