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vol.45 número1Surgimiento, evolución y principales resultados del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos ClínicosSeguridad de la terapia de interferón alfa 2b recombinante más ribavirina en la hepatitis crónica C índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Farmacia

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2988


PEREZ RUIZ, Leslie et al. Efficacy and safety of ior® LeukoCIM (G-CSF) in patients with neutropenia after chemotherapy. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2011, vol.45, n.1, pp. 19-33. ISSN 1561-2988.

Neutropenia and infections are the most restrictive side effects during chemotherapy application. The granulocytic colonies stimulating factor activates the neutrophils, shortens the neutropenic period and can be effective against the potential risk of infection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LeukoCIM® (CIMAB, Havana). A retrospective observational study was carried out with data from the patients with neutropenic episodes enrolled in the open-label, non-randomized, multicenter, phase IV clinical trial. These patients were from Gustavo Aldereguía Lima hospital. They had been evaluated for one year. Demographic information, clinical data and side effects were analyzed. As prophylaxis indication LeukoCIM® was administrated 24-72 h after the last chemotherapy dose and as treatment when neutropenia was diagnosed. In both cases, a daily single 300 µg dose was administrated subcutaneously. The application of the next chemotherapy cycle on time was the main variable of response and the product safety was assessed by measuring the side effects. Forty seven patients with 95 neutropenic episodes were enrolled. The 82.1 % of episodes received their next chemotherapy cycle on time. The most frequent side effects were: bone pain and fever (11.2 % respectively), hyperuricemia (9.2 %), leukocytosis and neutrophilia (7.1 %) and increased LDH (6.1 %). LeukoCIM® was effective in patients receiving chemotherapy, because it accelerated neutrophil recovery, decreased the incidence of febrile neutropenia and improved delivery of protocol doses of chemotherapy on time. Additionally, this product was considered safe for the studied patients since just known adverse events were reported.

Palabras clave : Neutropenia; neutrophils; hematologic diseases; side effects; clinical trials.

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