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Revista Cubana de Farmacia
versión On-line ISSN 1561-2988
ORTEGA LOPEZ, Irma Leonor et al. Professional profile of the Bachelor of Pharmacy in Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2011, vol.45, n.1, pp. 127-133. ISSN 1561-2988.
Taking into account the need of a curriculum assuring universal, contextual and flexible university formation that is committed to the social and professional realities of the country, the present paper designed the professional profile of the Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate in the University of Oriente, Cuba. To this end, the Professional Performance Model was used; the professional problem, the object of the profession and the professional objectives were defined. On the basis of the articulation of these configurations, the various fields, spheres and modes of performance were established, thus clearly stating the educational and learning objectives that are expected to be attained.
Palabras clave : Pharmacy programs; pharmaceutical education; curriculum design; Professional Performance Model.