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Revista Cubana de Farmacia

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7515


PATINO LADINO, Oscar Javier et al. Antibacterial properties in vitro of secondary metabolites isolated from two species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) genus. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2011, vol.45, n.3, pp. 431-438. ISSN 0034-7515.

Currently, infectious diseases caused by different microorganisms are one of major causes of death worldwide, so the search for new antimicrobial agents has become indispensable, being the natural products one potential source to find antimicrobial compounds. The species of Zanthoxylum genus are characterized by different types of secondary metabolites, many of which exhibit interesting biological properties against several human pathogens. In this research work, the antibacterial activity of 21 substances isolated from two species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) genus was evaluated. It was determined by agar radial diffusion method against standard strains of Gram (+) bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 and Gram (-) bacteria: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Salmonella tiphymurium, strains ATCC 14028s and MS7953. Of the 21 natural substances evaluated, 11 caused some degree of bacterial growth inhibition. The benzophenanthridine alkaloid called chelerythrine showed the greatest anti-bacterial activity when inhibiting the growth of five strains with inhibition zones comparable or superior to those exhibited by the antibiotics used as positive controls. Isoquinoline alkaloids are the most promising substances for further specific studies of antibacterial activity; in addition to their interesting action, some of these substances are able to inhibit the growth of Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria, thus indicating their broad spectrum antibacterial action.

Palabras clave : Zanthoxylum; Rutaceae; alkaloids; antibacterial activity.

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