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Revista Cubana de Farmacia
versión impresa ISSN 0034-7515
PEREZ RAMOS, Patricia et al. Design of a regenerative chitin cream for use after sun tanning. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 2013, vol.47, n.2, pp. 238-251. ISSN 0034-7515.
Introduction: after taking the sun, it is indispensable to repair the skin affected by harmful rays. The cosmeceuticals for use after sunbath have antinflammatory, relaxing, hydrating, soothing and regenerative elements of the epithelium, which prevent or mitigate the feeling of pain, tautness, burning and rash. Objective: to develop a regenerative chitin cream to be used after sun tanning, with due quality to repair and hydrate the skin. Methods: two experimental designs 22 (F1 and F2) were created in which glycerin and propilenglycol were used as humectants respectively. Ph and extensibility were measured as variables in addition to analyzing the psychophysiological properties, the shearing tension and the centrifugation tests as well as the temperature impact during 60 days. Results: there were no significant differences between propilenglycol and glycerin whereas the incidence of cetyl alcohol in extensibility and pH values was noticeable. The best variant was the no. 1 in the F2 design in which the cetyl alcohol was found at 4 % and the propilenglycol at 3 %. The pH value was 7.05 ± 0.00; the extensibility was 68.15 ± 1.51 and the shear tension was 1.93 ± 0.01. The psychophysiological properties were satisfactory and there was no creaming or coalescence. Conclusions: it may be considered that, according to the measurements made in the evaluated period of time, the characteristics are satisfactory for the prepared creams; being variant I of the F2 design the least expensive. The physical stability of formulations undergoing tests of centrifugation and temperature impact indicates good compatibility between the studied polymer and the excipients.
Palabras clave : cosmeceutical; humectants; chitin; cream; regenerative.