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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X


COUTIN MARIE, Gisele; BORGES SORIA, Jorge; BATISTA MOLINER, Ricardo  y  FEAL CANIZARES, Pablo. El control de la hipertensión arterial puede incrementar la esperanza de vida: Verificación de una hipótesis. Rev cubana med [online]. 2001, vol.40, n.2, pp. 103-108. ISSN 1561-302X.

It is known that hypertension may cause frequent deaths or may act as a risk factor of other causes and potentiate their effect on the general mortality of the population. It has been stated that the adequate control of this disease may lead to a reduction of mortality and, therefore, to an increase of the life expectancy of the population. This study was conducted to prove how life expectancy would be affected by a 20 % decrease of 2 causes of death: heart and cerebrovascular diseases, which are closely related to hypertension. A descriptive type of research was used where the utilization of life tables was introduced as a methodology to analyze the behavior of mortality. The probabilities of death of the individuals from a population for all causes of death or for one specific cause may be obtained through these life tables. It was observed as the main result that the reduction of mortality from the 2 studied diseases associated with hypertension produces a considerable impact on the life expectancy of our population


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