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Revista Cubana de Medicina
versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X
PINO ALFONSO, Pedro Pablo et al. Eficacia diagnóstica de la biopsia endobronquial y correspondencia entre diagnóstico macroscópico y microscópico en 1 000 broncoscopias. Rev cubana med [online]. 2001, vol.40, n.2, pp. 109-113. ISSN 1561-302X.
The diagnostic efficacy of endobronchial biopsy in the endoscopically visible tumors was proved in 1 000 bronchoscopies performed in a period of 2 years in our center. The database of the Bronchoscopy Department was reviewed to this end. The results were as follows: of the 402 tumors found, the macroscopic diagnosis was histologically confirmed in 393 (97.8 %). It was observed that the biopsy was diagnosed in 390 patients (97 %). There was false positive macroscopic diagnosis in 5 patients (1 %) and false negative in 4 (0.9 %). Of the total of tumors, 387 (96.2 %) were malignant and 11 (2.73 %) were benign or of low malignancy degree. In 10 of the latter (90.9 %) the impression of the endoscopist coincided with the histological stirps. Other characteristics of the tumors were described
Palabras clave : BRONCHOSCOPY [methods]; BIOPSY [methods]; LUNG NEOPLASMS [diagnosis].