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Revista Cubana de Medicina
versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X
PINO ALFONSO, Pedro Pablo et al. Valor diagnóstico del cepillado bronquial bajo control fluoroscópico y a ciegas en lesiones tumorales periféricas del árbol bronquial no visibles endoscópicamente. Rev cubana med [online]. 2001, vol.40, n.2, pp. 114-117. ISSN 1561-302X.
The diagnostic yield in our service of the blind bronchial brushing and of the bronchial brushing under fluoroscopic control in tumors of the bronchial arbor which are of peripheral localization and not endoscopically visible was analyzed by radiological studies. The 503 bronchoscopies performed the last year were taken as a basis. The study was conducted among 52 patients. In 48 (92.3 %) of them the specimen obtained was useful for diagnosis. Of the 24 patients that underwent bronchial brushing under fluoroscopic control, 13 (54.1 %) were diagnosed. Blind bronchial brushing was performed in 28 patient and 12 (42.8 %) were diagnosed. The diagnosis with or without fluoroscopy was made by using this procedure in 25 cases (48 %). The usefulness of this diagnostic variant was reaffirmed in the study of the bronchogenic carcinoma of peripheral localization
Palabras clave : LUNG NEOPLASMS [diagnosis]; FLUOROSCOPY [methods].