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Revista Cubana de Medicina
versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X
ROCA CAMPANA, Victor et al. Schönlein-Henoch purpura in the adult . Rev cubana med [online]. 2007, vol.46, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-302X.
Schönlein-Henoch purpura is a vasculitis affecting small vessels mainly in children. It is a rare disease in adults that may have an unfavourable course. Here is the case of a 46 years-old patient who evolved into palpable purpura rashes and gastrointestinal disorders for 4 months, without clear response to oral prednisone-based treatment. The value of immunofluorescence for confirming diagnosis as well as the need of immunosupressive therapy in some cases were evidenced.
Palabras clave : Vasculitis; Schönlein-Henoch purpura.