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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X


BUCHACA FAXAS, Emilio F et al. Subclinical coronary atherosclerosis by multi-scan axial tomography and its association with hyperglycemia. Rev cubana med [online]. 2010, vol.49, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-302X.

A study was conducted to assess the usefulness of multi-scan axial tomography techniques to detect, in a subclinical stage, the coronary damage in patients presenting with diabetes mellitus (DM) to describe the frequency of asymptomatic atherosclerotic affection and its potential association with the fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia. In study were included 59 patients with type 2 diabetes to compare the results of coronary calcium determination with the findings of angiography by multi-scan axial computed tomography (CAT-M). There was a concordance of a 44.1% between both studies, as well as a predominance of soft plaques in the 55.9 % of patients. The 42.4 % showed a narrowing of arterial lumen, which was significant in the 16.5 % of total. A high figure of patients with hyperglycemia had coronary damage compared to those ills with a good glycemia control (p = 0.024). This relation was more evident with the postprandial hyperglycemia (= 0.016). Hyperglycemia had a high opportunity (5.99 times) to detect coronary lesions by TAC-C compared to other major atherosclerosis risk factors like the high blood pressure, smoking, dyslipemias expressed in a significant way (p = 0.045). We conclude that Angio TAC-C and Calcio Score techniques are useful to detect lesions of coronary arteries in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without symptoms of myocardial ischemia, which was associated to presence of a hyperglycemia, fundamentally postprandial.

Palabras clave : Subclinical atherosclerosis; fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia; calcio score.

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