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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7523


LEON ALVAREZ, Jorge Luis; PEREZ CABALLERO, Manuel Delfín  y  GUERRA IBANEZ, Guillermo. Five years of experience in specialized consultation of complicated hypertension (2008-2012). Rev cubana med [online]. 2013, vol.52, n.4, pp. 254-264. ISSN 0034-7523.

Objective: to evaluate the results obtained in the implementation of care protocol for complicated hypertension. Methods: a longitudinal descriptive study was carried out in 390 patients with essential hypertension with damaged target organ. They were assessed in the Specialized Consultation of Complicated Hypertension at Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital from 2008 to 2012. Clinical record and researches were performed. Their cardiovascular risk profile and impact on target organs were evaluated according to the care protocol designed for clinical consultation. Results: the most frequent injuries found were hypertensive retinopathy (92,3 %), left ventricular hypertrophy (89,7 %) and hypertensive nephropathy (36,4 %). Cardiovascular risk was very high (37,7 %) in the studied patients. 50.6% met criteria for resistant hypertension. Inhibitors of the angiotensin converting enzyme, calcium antagonist, and thiazide were the most frequently antihypertensive drugs used. Conclusion: the application of care protocol showed to be very useful in assessing, stratifying, controlling, and following up these patients.

Palabras clave : high blood pressure; target organ damage; complicated hypertension; antihypertensive drugs.

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