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Revista Cubana de Pediatría
versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119
ESPINOSA LOPEZ, Digna Ma. et al. Correlación clínico-histológica de la nefritis lúpica. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2000, vol.72, n.2, pp. 112-119. ISSN 1561-3119.
A total of 643 renal biopsies of patients admitted to the Service of Nephrology of University Pediatric Hospital in Centro Habana from January 1988 to December 1998 were examined, of which 29 corresponding to lupus nephritis were selected, accounting for 4.51% of the total. At the moment of the diagnosis, 25 patients were over six years-old (86.2%) with predominance of females with 20 patients for 68.9%. 75.86% of cases had renal disorders, 7 patients with nephrotic syndrome, 11 with hematuria, 3 blood hypertension and one with nephritic-nephrotic syndrome and chronic renal failure. Other frequent clinical manifestations were arthritis in 48.27% of cases and facial erythema (37.93%). According to a histological classification, 12 patients showed lupus nephritis Class II, 8 had Class I and 8 Classes IV. Only one case had class III. The renal tissue examination on immunofluoresce microscope revealed immunoglobulin deposits and hemolytic complement fractions characteristic of the disease. In the correlation of clinical manifestations and histologic classification, it was found that in nephritis Class I the renal disorders were nephrotic syndrome and hematuria; in Class II, nephrotic syndrome , hematuria and blood hypertension; in Class III, hematuria and in Class IV, nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, blood hypertension, nephritic-nephrotic syndrome and chronic renal failure.
Palavras-chave : LUPUS NEPHRITIS [pathology]; LUPUS NEPHRITIS [diagnosis]; BIOPSY; KIDNEY [pathology].