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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119


ARGUDIN CORDERO, Mercedes; GOMEZ PORTIER, Beatriz  e  HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, Blas. Anestesia para timectomía toracoscópica, vídeo asistida: Reporte de 4 casos. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2000, vol.72, n.2, pp. 120-125. ISSN 1561-3119.

Video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy in children is a real novelty in Cuba to take care of the incidence of myasthenia gravis in the young population. Although such method is not wholly complication-free, if we compare it with the classical technique to thymus approach, then the risks are minimal. The present paper provides information on 4 patients of both sexes, adolescents, ASA II and due to undergo major elective surgery (thymectomy). Parameters such as heart rate, electrocardiogram, systolic and diastolic arterial pressures, respiratory rate, esophagic temperature, pulse oxymetry and capnometry were measured before, during and after surgery. The results achieved were in line with the reviewed literature so the conclusion was reached that this technique is a better choice for patients with myasthenia gravis because of the advantages it offers such as low invasiveness, minimum complications and shorter stay at hospitals.


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