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Revista Cubana de Pediatría
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3119
DE LA PARTE PEREZ, Lincoln. Anestesia en la coartación de la aorta. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2001, vol.73, n.4, pp. 219-223. ISSN 1561-3119.
A retrospective study of 200 patients operated on of aortic coarctation at the Cardiology Center of "William Soler" Pediatric Teaching Hospital from 1990 to 1995 was conducted. Ketamine was the most used agent in the anesthetic premedication of our patients (190 patients, 95 %). It was associated with atropine in 150 patients and midazolan was also added in 40 patients. In the other 10 patients atropine was only used. Fentanyl was the most administered agent in the induction of anesthesia (123 patients, 61.5 %) and in the maintenance (186 patients, 92 %). It provided a great hemodynamic stability. Vasodilators were used in most of the patients (176 patients, 88 %) to control arterial pressure. The most used were nitroglycerin mixed with regitine (135 patients, 67.5 %). The most frequent complications were arterial hypertension (76 patients, 38 %), metabolic acidosis (24 patients, 12 %), and cardiac arrhytmias (14 patients, 7 %).
Palabras clave : AORTIC COARCTATION [surgery]; ANESTHESIA; ATROPINE [administration & dosage]; MIDAZOLAM [administration & dosage]; CHILD.