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Revista Cubana de Pediatría
versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119
GARCIA ALCOLEA, Eglis Esteban; ESTRADA SILEGA, Yuleydi e APARICIO MELIAN, Aimée. Frequency of ametropias in children. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2010, vol.82, n.3, pp. 28-37. ISSN 1561-3119.
INTRODUCTION. The objective of present research was to analyze the ametropias detected in children seen in consultation of Ophthalmology of the "Frank País" Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba province from September, 2009 to February, 2010. METHODS. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted. Universe included a total of 68 children seen in such consultation coinciding with study sample. In all patient an objective and subjective refraction was carried out. Study variables included age, sex, diagnosis in consultation and symptoms present in patients. Frequency of ametropias was estimated and then they were grouped in hypermetropias, myopias, astigmatism and anisometropias. RESULTS. Among the major results found the more studied was the 5-9 years age group (69,1%) with predominance of female sex (83,85). Ametropias accounted for the 69,5% of cases and the more frequent one was the myopia (51,6%), specifically the slight and the moderate ones (37,2%). There was astigmatism in the 19,6% of patients and the simple myope patient was predominant (69,1%). The major symptoms referred were headache, a sensation of pruritus and ocular burning for a 27,1%, 26,4% and 24,3%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS. In general, ametropias were frequent during the study, thus the significance of its active screening in the health area from the early stages of life to achieve its correction in time and to avoid future complications.
Palavras-chave : Ametropias; frequency; astigmatism; active screening; primary health care.