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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7531


GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, Raquel; LLAPUR MILIAN, René; JIMENEZ HERNANDEZ, Juana María  e  SANCHEZ POMPA, Addys. Primary health care physicians' perceptions of the blood hypertension risks in childhood. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2012, vol.84, n.2, pp. 155-164. ISSN 0034-7531.

Introduction: blood hypertension in the child has increased, due to growing obesity and inadequate life habits in children and adolescents. It is necessary that the health staff including physicians have good knowledge about blood hypertension at pediatric ages. Objectives: to characterize the blood hypertension risk perception of the health professionals. Methods: an exploratory study was conducted in physicians and 6th year medical students from a health area of Centro Habana municipality, from October 1st, 2009 to March 31st, 2010. To this end, the qualitative research and participating observation techniques as well as the qualitative questionnaire and expert criteria (DELPHI technique) were used. Results: the blood hypertension risk perception in children was not adequate; half of the professionals considered that blood pressure should be measured at adolescence; neither all risk factors, blood pressure percentiles for the proper diagnosis of blood hypertension or pre-hypertension nor the adequate sphygmomanometer size for children were clearly identified by them. Conclusions: the blood hypertension risk perception as a possible disease beginning at childhood is poor, so the preparation of health professionals in management of infant blood hypertension must continue in order to make an early diagnosis.

Palavras-chave : risk perception of professionals; infant blood hypertension.

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