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Revista Cubana de Pediatría
versão impressa ISSN 0034-7531
MARTINEZ LOPEZ, Mayder et al. Most common systemic venous abnormalities found in the fetus: embryology, prenatal diagnosis and cardiogenetic advice. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2012, vol.84, n.2, pp. 188-196. ISSN 0034-7531.
An extensive review of the embryology of thoracic venous system, and its relation with the most common venous abnormality, that is, persistent left superior vena cava, was made. The review underlined the importance of knowledge in the interpretation of such malformations, and of other less frequent like the interruption of the inferior vena cava. Although it is true that finding this abnormality does not significantly affect the patient, its association with other very severe cardiopathies, which accompany it as a sort of anatomical markers, makes the study necessary for all those people interested in the evaluation of congenital cardiopathies, pediatricians, ultrasonography technicians and cardiogenetic advisers.
Palavras-chave : persistent left superior vena cava; interruption of inferior vena cava; fetal echocardiography; congenital cardiopathies.