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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7531


VERDECIA CANIZARES, Caridad; CUBERO MELENDEZ, Osiris; ALONSO PIREZ, Magda  e  PORTUGUES DIAZ, Andrés Manuel. Ten-year study on varieties of parotid tumors in pediatrics. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2012, vol.84, n.2, pp. 201-207. ISSN 0034-7531.

Parotid tumors are uncommon because they account for 0.5 % of all types of cancer in pediatrics. They generally occur as increased local asymptomatic volume, occasionally accompanied by pain and inflammatory signs. A retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was carried out to determine the frequency and forms of presentation of parotid tumors diagnosed in 0-18 years-old patients, who had been admitted to the oncological surgery service of "William Soler" pediatric hospital from February 2001 to December 2010. The variables taken into account were sex, forms of presentation, response to treatment as well as the histological variants presented, with the objective of giving information about these variants of parotid tumors in pediatrics, which, despite their rareness, represent a high risk group when occur. Seven patients were diagnosed, of whom 3 were pleomorphic adenomas, one adenocarcinoma, one mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the gland, one parotid Hodgkin lymphoma and one mixed tumor with atypical cells of the gland. The onset of all the tumors was the presence of a parotid mass in 6 asymptomatic cases and in one case suffering local pain. They were all performed gland ultrasound and aspiration fine needle biopsy. Males prevailed over the females (ratio of 5:2) and the average age of presentation was 12.3 years. Surgery is the main therapeutic weapon in most of cases. It was recommended to closely follow the patients because of their high rate of local recurrence.

Palavras-chave : parotid tumors; pediatrics.

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