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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-7531


RODRIGUEZ VARGAS, Nuris et al. Imipramine-treated infant enuresis. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2013, vol.85, n.2, pp. 213-220. ISSN 0034-7531.

Introduction: enuresis, which is said to be the involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which the urinary control should has been achieved, that is, around 5 years-old, is a well-known disorder since ancient times. It has deserved the attention of numerous researchers but there are still very different criteria about its etiology at the present time. Objective: to identify the effectiveness of imipramine to treat night enuresis. Methods: one hundred and fifty children of both sexes with no previous lesions and night enuresis, who were attended at Plaza de la Revolucion teaching polyclinics, were studied. They were treated with imipramine for a year. Several variables such as age, sex, schooling, classification of enuresis, frequency of urination and sleep threshold, the latter being determined in a very subjective way, were all analyzed. Results: the elder group of children aged 6 to 8 years, with females predominating in all the age groups. Schooling was normal in 145 children who accounted for the vast majority of the sample. Primary enuresis extensively prevailed and the most frequent forms were daily involuntary urination and once a week in the 6-8 years-old group. Almost all the patients (132) remained asleep after urination. The imipramine-based treatment was given at growing doses, according to the age, up to maximum dose of 75 mg, and proved to be effective in 48.6 % of patients, whose symptoms completely disappeared and in 28 % of them who experienced some improvement in the presentation of symptoms. Conclusions: imipramine was effective in most of patients since the symptoms disappeared completely.

Palavras-chave : enuresis; imipramine.

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