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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119


RIVERA ALES, Libertad et al. Adams-Oliver Syndrom in two clinical cases. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2018, vol.90, n.4 ISSN 1561-3119.


The Adams-Oliver syndrome is a heterogenic disease characterized by aplasia cutis congenita and terminal transverse limb defects, with a wide phenotypic spectrum of associated malformations. Different kinds of inheritance of this disease have been described. In Cuba, any cases of patients suffering this syndrome have not been presented or published so far.


To provide evidence demonstrating the presentation of cases with Adams-Oliver syndrome.

Cases report:

Two cases of neonatal patients with Adams-Oliver syndrome are presented from the clinical point of view, both of which are sporadic. In addition to the aplasia cutis congenita and the terminal transverse defect of the limbs, one of the patients presented congenital cutis marmorata telangiectatic and Ebstein anomaly.


Two newborns cases with Adams-Oliver syndrome, both of sporadic presentation and one of these with a congenital heart disease (Ebstein anomaly) not previously reported in the literature are presented.

Palavras-chave : Adams-Oliver syndrome; aplasia cutis congénita; congenital cutis marmorata telangiectatic; limb’s defect; congenital anomalies; congenital cardiopathy; newborn..

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