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Revista Cubana de Pediatría
versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119
CUBERO REGO, María de los Ángeles et al. Clinical-epidemiological aspects of skin and soft tissue infections in newborns. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2019, vol.91, n.3 Epub 01-Set-2019. ISSN 1561-3119.
Skin and soft tissue infections constitute one of the most frequent causes of pediatric consultations. Newborns are not exempt of that since their anatomic, physiological and immunological peculiarities can help to become those infections in letal ones.
To describe clinical and epidemiological aspects of newborns presenting skin and soft tissue infections.
An observational, prospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in 256 patients admitted in the Neonatology Department of “William Soler” Pediatric University Hospital from January, 2013 to Decmeber, 2015. There were determined: the incidence of skin and soft tissue infections, the clinical kinds, age, sex, stay, used therapy, microorganisms isolated in hemocultures.
In the sample, 95.3 % of the newborns were of more than 7 days alive and 59.0 % were female. The incidence rate was of 16.1 × 100 admissions, and 75.0 % presented mastitis. The most isolated in hemocultures microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus. 60.9 % of the patients had monotherapy with Cefazolin.
The incidence of skin and soft tissue infections was higher in 2014; the disease onset in newborns in the second week of life, in females, with a hospital stay of less than a week. The most isolated in hemocultures microorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. More tan half of the patients undergone monotherapy with first generation Cephalosporines as a therapy with a favorable evolution.
Palavras-chave : newborn; skin and soft tissue infections; neonatal mastitis; Staphylococcus aureus.