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vol.36 número1Factores epidemiológicos en el embarazo ectópicoAnálisis de los principales factores de riesgo relacionados con el cáncer cérvico uterino en mujeres menores de 30 años índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3062


CANCIANO CHIRINO, Ernesto; CRUZ SUAREZ, Diuveidys; CALERO DE LA OSA, María Isabel  y  RAPADO VIERA, Martín. Epileptic pregnants, final course and other risk variables assessed in regional interdisciplinary consultation. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.1, pp. 41-44. ISSN 1561-3062.

Epilepsy is the second more frequent neurologic entity during pregnancy with prevalences of 3-4 / 1 000 pregnancies, its management often is ineffective in primary care. OBJECTIVES: to describe the epidemiological variables able to influence in final course of epileptic pregnant. In assessment are included: age, previous pregnants according children number, other associated pathologies, and labor date considering the final obstetric course. METHODS: the was a 5-years cohort in the clinical/obstetrical regional consultation of San Antonio de los Baños, Havana province; according criteria two groups of 50 patients each were sampled, A: epileptic, B; healthy. RESULTS: in group A the 70% was aged between 30-35 for a mean of 33,5 with a right trend according Gauss' distribution. The 64% of that non-epileptic had more of three previous pregnancies; the 70% of A group had a only child without association among variables by Chi 2. There were not differences among the groups regards the pathologies associated to pregnancy with a predominance of gestational high blood pressure as a whole (27%) with a discrete trend in A group to appear early during the third trimester. Both groups of patients had a good final course of pregnancy; the great number of epileptic gave birth before the 40 weeks without a solid level of evidence justifying this situation. CONCLUSIONS: pregnant have fewer pregnancies and belatedly, have fewer children with significant differences regards associated pathologies limiting the normal pregnancy development; there is a trend to shorten the gestational period without a basis demonstrated according evidences.

Palabras clave : Epilepsy; pregnancy; obstetric course; evidences.

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