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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3062
FERNANDEZ LIMIA, Octavio; BETANCOURT, Arsenio; LESTEIRO, Marcial y FAURE, Roberto. Prevalence by immunologic diagnosis of Candida spp, Trichomonas vaginalis and Vardnerella vaginalis in pragnants at primary level of health system. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.1, pp. 66-72. ISSN 1561-3062.
OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of Candida ssp, Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis in pregnant women from four primary health areas of La Habana province using a immunologic method with particles of FemPure latex. METHODS: we took samples of vaginal exudates in all pregnant women with or without vaginitis seen in specialized Obstetrics consulting rooms from four health primary areas of La Habana province with or without vaginitis using the above mentioned method. Methodology proposes by manufacturer technical instructor and at three minutes of started the reaction results were read. RESULTS: confidence intervals (95%) observed were: for Candida ssp of 21.9 to 29.2 %, for Trichomonas vaginalis of 14.5 to 20,9 % and for Gardnerella vaginalis of 22.10 to 29.40 %. The 56.72 % of samples were negative and the 1.81 % were reactive to negative control classifying as non-specific. Also, the 18.26 % of samples were positive to more than germ including 26 positives to the three microorganisms. There were differences (p 0.0001) among the prevalences of the three germs in distinct localities where candidiasis was twice more in Güines municipality than in Santa Cruz and Jaruco municipalities. CONCLUSIONS: using this diagnostic method fulfilling the simplicity, objectivity and speed criteria, at primary health level, it was possible to study more pregnants and at same day to suggest the etiologic treatment to each case for the good of these women contributing to avoid the infectious vaginitis complications.
Palabras clave : Diagnosis; immunologic; vaginitis; Candida; Trichomonas; bacterial vaginosis; Gardnerella; prevalence; primary level.