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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3062


VARONA SANCHEZ, Joel Alejandro; ALMINAQUE GONZALEZ, María del Carmen; BORREGO LOPEZ, Julio Aurelio  y  FORMOSO MARTIN, Luis Ernesto. Vulvovaginitis in girls and adolescents. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.1, pp. 73-85. ISSN 1561-3062.

OBJECTIVE: to analyze the vulvovaginitis behavior present in girls and adolescents. METHODS: an analytical, descriptive and prospective study of vulvovaginitis present in girls and adolescents was conducted to compare both groups according the triggering factors, leading symptoms; the more frequent etiologic germs, as well as, the correspondence between clinical diagnosis and the laboratory one. Sample included the vulvovaginitis patients from the infantile-juvenile affections consultation of "Ramón González Coro" Gynecology-Obstetrics Hospital. All information was registered and processed using the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel computing programs. Tables and Charts were designed. RESULTS: the poor hygienic habit is the main triggering factor of this entity in both groups (76% of girls and ddd70% of adolescents). From the etiologic germs in girls and in adolescents the more frequent reported was Candida albicans for a 34% and 36%, respectively. In the case of girls germs are supported by Escherichia coli for a 22% of total. The more frequent symptoms and signs for both groups are the vulvar pruritus (36% and 44%), vulvar erythema (32% and 24%) and foul smell (24% and 30%), respectively, while the definite diagnosis of vulvovaginitis for girls and adolescents prevailed for both groups with a 36% of non-specific vulvovaginitis. CONCLUSIONS: the leading predisposing factor of vulvovaginitis is the poor hygienic habit and the more frequent causal germ is Candida albicans.

Palabras clave : Vulvovaginitis; vulvovaginitis present in girls and adolescents; diseases of the vulva in girls.

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