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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3062


VARONA SANCHEZ, Joel Alejandro; BORREGO LOPEZ, Julio Aurelio; FORMOSO MARTIN, Luis Ernesto  y  MARTINEZ MARTINEZ-PINILLO, Ángela. Misoprostol in early termination of pregnancy in adolescents. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2010, vol.36, n.1, pp. 97-108. ISSN 1561-3062.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness and safety of vaginal Misoprostol as abortive method and indication of this procedure during adolescence. METHODS: Present research is a monocenter, open, randomized clinical trial with a group of treatment to extend the use of a pharmacologic abortive method in patients requesting pregnancy termination until the12 weeks and also until 20 years old. All the adolescent patients seen in pregnancy termination consultation of «Ramón González Coro» Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital fulfilling with inclusion criteria in a group of 100 cases are included. RESULTS: Results achieved show that the 89% of adolescents aged over 16, their first sexual intercourses were before 16 years and ITS (appear in the 51%. Regarding the method, the 71% had a expulsion rate before the 16 h of application (first and second dose) with an 8% failure rate. All were studied using US at 72 h. The 85% considers that the method was satisfactory and in the 96% some contraceptive method was used. CONCLUSION: The use of vaginal Misoprostol during the adolescence was a useful and reliable method as alternative for pregnancy termination at first trimester.

Palabras clave : Misoprostol in Gynecology; adolescence abortion drug abortion.

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