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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0138-600X


CANCIANO CHIRINO, Ernesto et al. Non-pharmacological prophylactic intervention in pregnants with risk of high blood pressure in a Maternal Home. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2012, vol.38, n.1, pp. 21-27. ISSN 0138-600X.

Introduction: the non-pharmacologic prophylactic management in pregnants with risk of high blood pressure has scarce results due to a poor adhesion to treatment. Objectives: to analyze the results from a non-pharmacologic prophylactic intervention in pregnants with more then 2 risk factors of high blood pressure, seen in the Maternal Home (MH) and another randomized followed assessing the evolution of the body mass index (IBM), control of tension figures according to the pregnancy time, mother morbidity, and final pharmacologic treatment. Methods: a community intervention was carried out from January, 2008 to September, 2010 in the Candelaria municipality, Artemisa province. In a random was, 120 pregnants were choose into two groups: A (80 patients admitted in the MH) and B (40 with ambulatory follow-up). Results: a 72.5 % of patients from B group had an increased BMI at the end of research, 10 of them with obesity criteria (SD 30, 95 CI 30.4-31.2). Only the 27.5 % of A group had high blood pressure increasing the frequency according to the evolution of gestational age with a great variation coefficient in B group B ( 68.3 %). Mother morbidity was higher in those randomized followed with some patients presented with more than a complication, all complications with a RR superior than 1 (95% CI). From the B group, the 45 % needed pharmacologic therapy, very high than those patients seen in the MH. Conclusions: the MHs are centers able to improve the prognosis and the final evolutions of the pregnant with risk of HTA, increasing the effectiveness of hygienic-dietetic measures for a better adhesion to treatment.

Palabras clave : risk pregnant; high blood pressure; mother home; intervention.

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