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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar
versión impresa ISSN 0138-6557
BAEZ SARRIA, Félix; RODRIGUEZ COLLAR, Tomás Lázaro y FERRER SANTOS, Vania. Tropical pyomyositis as a complication of a tattoo . Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2013, vol.42, n.3, pp. 417-422. ISSN 0138-6557.
Tropical pyomyositis is a bacterial infection of the skeletal muscle endemic in tropical areas. It is characterized by the formation of a pyogenic abscess whose etiological agent contains Staphylococcus aureus in 75-90 % of cases. A case is presented of a 19-year-old female patient with pyomyositis of the left quadratus lumborum muscle, whose entrance door was a tattoo performed on the back of her homolateral hand. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasonography and culture of the purulent secretion. Puncture and collection aspiration were performed on two occasions, alongside specific antibiotic treatment. Total resolution was achieved. It is concluded that the presence of tropical pyomyositis as a complication of tattoos should be suspected in patients with prolonged fever after being performed a tattoo, especially if it was not performed by professional personnel.
Palabras clave : tattoo; tropical pyomyositis; Staphylococcus aureus.