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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versión impresa ISSN 0138-6557


PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, Sonia; DIAZ MACHADO, Alina; GONZALEZ DELGADO, Carlos Alberto  y  GARCIA GONZALEZ, Yamilet. Bacterial growth in diabetic foot ulcer prior to Heberprot-P. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2014, vol.43, n.2, pp. 169-175. ISSN 0138-6557.

Objective: to determine the microbiological growth behavior in diabetic foot ulcers, pre Heberprot-P. Methods: descriptive study was conducted by reviewing the medical records of 52 patients enrolled in Heberprot-P clinical trials phase I and II of diabetic foot ulcer. 63 samples were taken and microbiological study was considered at any point in its evolution in the study period. Results: four samples were negative and 29 positive to Staphylococcus aureus meticillin resistant, which was the most frequently cultivated germ, so that one third of the patients required antibiotic treatment. Conclusions: microbiological study is recommended to all patients with diabetic foot ulcer, prior to the use of Heberprot-P even when there is no clinical evidence of local infection.

Palabras clave : diabetes mellitus; diabetic foot ulcer; infection control; hospital infection; Staphylococcus aureus meticillin-resistant.

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