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Economía y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 0252-8584


PLAZA MACIAS, Nila  y  DIAZ FARINAS, Lázaro. Policies on Labor Inclusion within the Framework of the Social and Solidarity Economy in Ecuador (2008-2017). Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2019, vol.162, n.2  Epub 12-Ago-2019. ISSN 0252-8584.

In Ecuador, after the «long and dark night of neoliberalism» was left behind in 2007, according to Rafael Correa, the Citizens' Revolution was a milestone in the Ecuadorian history, with it changing the nature of social and economic processes on the basis of the constitutional changes in 2008. From that moment, policies on labor inclusion began to play a significant role in the process of social and economic transformation conducted by the government, within a social and solidarity-based system. This paper is aimed at assessing policies on labor inclusion adopted in Ecuador between 2008 and 2017 with the implementation of the Citizens' Revolution within the framework of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

Palabras clave : Labor inclusion; Social and Solidarity Economy; Sumakkawsay or Good Living.

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