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Economía y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 0252-8584


MOLINA MOLINA, Ernesto. The Post-Pandemic Economic Program, Political Economy and Prospective. Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2021, vol.165, suppl.1  Epub 21-Ene-2021. ISSN 0252-8584.

This article suggests the need to advance towards a socialist perspective, since the objectives of a capitalist society always aim at obtaining the maximum benefit for the capital system and not at fully satisfying the legitimate needs and aspirations of all members of society. The science of socialist foresight has the potential to develop in Cuba and it is urgent to do so in the face of the global crisis that is coming upon us, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Development Plan until 2030 can be enriched with this science which, in turn, is a method.

Palabras clave : political economy; socialist model; post-pandemic economic program; socialist perspective.

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