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Revista de Salud Animal

versión On-line ISSN 2224-4700


MARTINEZ-VASALLO, Ailin et al. Quality and safety of raw milk under the current Cuban conditions. Rev Salud Anim. [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.1, pp. 51-61. ISSN 2224-4700.

Safety and quality of the milk have a significant importance in Cuba because it is a basic food in the diet of population. Domestic milk production has fluctuated between 400 and 500 million liters in the period 2006-2015, with an increase in sales to the state since 2007, due to the increase in the price as of the Resolution 152/2007 of the Ministry of Finance and Prices, which applies bonuses and penalties according to the quality of this raw material. This is coupled with an increase in the delivery of direct milk to the sale points by the primary producers. However, the obtaining of this product is conditioned by a number of factors such as infrastructure, hygiene, production, conservation, and integral quality management affecting its stability. This work is aimed at reviewing the milk obtaining under Cuba conditions and proposing some actions that could contribute to the improvement of the quality and safety of the milk under the current national production system

Palabras clave : dairy sector; quality and safety; milk.

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