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Universidad de La Habana

versión On-line ISSN 0253-9276


HERNANDEZ CEDENO, Eniuska. The parental manifestations of the mother and the father with their child during the first year. UH [online]. 2023, n.296  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 0253-9276.

The present descriptive and longitudinal work with a Multiple Case Study approach characterizes the parental manifestations of 9 pairs of parents during the first year of their infant's life. As the most important results, it was obtained that the majority of mothers and fathers achieved adequate development of sensitivity, cooperation, acceptance and physical and psychological availability in the interrelation with their son/daughter, some presented some difficulties to achieve it, mainly regard sensitivity and others faced multiple difficulties. Gender differences were found in the characteristics of these parental manifestations. Diagnostic indicators were determined on the parents who, depending on the development of their parental manifestations, would require corrective or compensatory psychological interventions and the essential contents for this work. Finally, the prognostic value of the diagnostic indicators of the development of the parental manifestations of the parents with respect to the development of their child's attachment was confirmed.

Palabras clave : parents; attachment; parental sensitivity.

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