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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3054


PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, Antonio; MOLINA SERPA, Ivette  y  GARCIA, Miriam. Comportamiento de la enfermedad meningocócica en el territorio de Ciudad de La Habana antes y después de la vacunación. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2002, vol.54, n.2, pp. 106-112. ISSN 1561-3054.

The development of risk before and after vaccination in the City of Havana province was described. Data were collected from epidemiological surveys of all cases under 5 years diagnosed with meningococcal disease during pre-vaccination period (1983-1984) and post-vaccination period (989,1990 and 1998).They were processed by using the Geographic Information System Mapinfo 4.1. During 1983 and 1984 when there was no vaccinal intervention, high incidence rates in all age groups were observed in most of the municipalities of the province. However, in 1989, the vaccination coverage was extensive and from that moment on, the incidence rates decreased and the number of meningitis-free municipalities grew. A decrease in frequency of sick children, non-vaccinated children and a very small number of children who were not vaccinated as they should have been was observed. The benefits of an homogeneous intervention at territorial level in the province were proved.

Palabras clave : MENINGITIS,BACTERIAL [epidemiology]; MENINGITIS, BACTERIAL [immunology]; MENINGITIS, MENINGOCOCCAL [epidemiology]; MENINGITIS, MENINGOCOCCAL [immunology]; BACTERIAL VACCINES [therapeutic use]; CUBA.

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