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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3054
DIEGUEZ, Lorenzo et al. Observaciones entomológicas en un brote de paludismo durante la etapa de vigilancia intensiva en Albaisa, Camagüey. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2002, vol.54, n.2, pp. 118-126. ISSN 1561-3054.
An entomological study of the species of Anopheles genus existing in Albaisa, a rural area located in Camagüey province, was conducted through catching on human bait during an intensive surveillance stage of a malarial outbreak. This study was made from November to December 1990. The species Anopheles albimanus contributed the highest values of abundance and parity. By evaluating the last biotic variable, it will be possible to achieve a reliable assessment of the infective capacity of this species whereas the calculation of abundance in An. vestitipennis and An.crucians may indicate the epidemiological risk represented by these species. Despite the fact that both species were numerically less important as compared to An. albimanus, they should be taken into account when there are marked population fluctuations. Among the studied anopheles, we observed well-differentiated strategies as to abundance-parity and the climatic parameters considered for the study.
Palabras clave : ANOPHELES [immunology]; MALARIA [diagnosis]; ENTOMOLOGY [methods]; EPIDEMIOLOGIC SURVEILLANCE.