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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3054
OBREGON, Ana Margarita et al. Importancia de la confirmación microbiológica en un brote de leptospirosis humana en la ciudad de Villa Clara. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2003, vol.55, n.2, pp. 96-99. ISSN 1561-3054.
A multidisciplinary group was created to confirm the existance of human leptospirosis in the province of Villa Clara where by the end of June, 1977, there was a considerable increase of febrile cases with symptoms and signs consistent with diseases such as hemorrhagic dengue and human leptospirosis. The National Laboratory of Reference of Leptospires from "Pedro Kourí" Institute, organized a set of direct and indirect diagnostic techniques as a working strategy that would serve to confirm this health problem. As a final result, it was observed that the Ballum, Pomona, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroups showed the highest percentage of appearance among the studied cases. A total of 7 cases had active infection, since they were positives by the passive hemoagglutination method. The four severe cases studied by passive hemoagglutination and microagglutination were positive. Sera from the 3 patients with febrile syndrome of unknown ethiology were negative by these 2 techniques. The 3 samples obtained from the autopsy of a dead were positive by direct exam in dark field and staining of immunoperoxidase. The monosera of the dead subjects were higly reactive by passive hemagglutination (titers from 1-10 and up to 1-640). 2 hemocultures were typified as Ballum; 2 urines and 1 hemoculture were positive by polymerase chain reaction. In this way, a fast answer was given to the health public authorities from the Viceministry of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Cuba on confirming microbiologically the existance of the disease.It was sugggested to administer the Cuban vax SPIRAL vaccine in the affected area.