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Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0289


SOCARRAS-FERRER, Bertha Beatriz et al. Mesenchymal stem cells: relevant aspects and clinical applications in regenerative medicine. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [online]. 2013, vol.29, n.1, pp. 16-23. ISSN 0864-0289.

The main features of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells are described, which includes its plasticity to various cell lineages such as chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes, among others. These cells can be obtained mainly from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and adipose tissue, where it has been possible to establish crops that allow the study of their functional and phenotypic properties. They express antigens CD73, CD 90 and CD105 in the absence of CD34 and CD45 hematopoietic antigens, as well as cytokine receptors and adhesion molecules. Future investigations will make it possible to know various biological aspects of these cells of importance for their use in regenerative medicine as a therapeutic mean to solve a wide variety of diseases.

Palabras clave : mesenchymal stem cells; bone marrow; umbilical cord blood; adipose tissue.

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