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Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3011


NARANJO HERNANDEZ, Daisy; GARCIA FREYRE, Irma; BORBOLLA BUSQUETS, Elvira  y  PASCAU ILLAS, Bárbara. La motilidad anorrectal en sujetos sanos. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [online]. 2001, vol.20, n.3, pp. 202-208. ISSN 1561-3011.

This paper described the anorectal manometries performed on a group of 21 healthy subjects, 16 males and 5 females aged =35,9 years as an average (19-51 years). The method of precast catheters and rectal balloon insuflation to induce inhibitory recto anal reflex was used. The achieved results showed =3,24cm (CI=2.95-3.53) for the functional anal canal length; =1,91cm (CI=1.78-2.04) for the internal anal sphincter length that represented 59%of the total anal canal length. Sphincteral resting pressure of =65cm H2O (CI=57,29-27,7); relaxation pressure of =43.5 cm H2O (IC=38,05-48,92) and relaxation percentage of X=69,4% (CI=61,84-76,96). The maximum voluntary contraction pressure of the external anal sphincter showed a mean =46.7 cm H2O(CI=41,11-52.29) and the critical volume reached a mean =24,8 cc air(CI=20,05-29,55). All these values were compared with those of the revised literature on anorectal motility in healthy subjects

Palabras clave : MANOMETRY [methods]; ANUS [physiology]; RECTUM [physiology]; FECAL INCONTINENCE [physiopathology]; GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY.

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