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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1561-2961


LEYVA SORRIBE, Virginia; BERROA BONNE, Arelis; NEGRET DUTEL, Delvis  and  GARCIA, Ángel Jorge. Algunos aspectos relacionados con el embarazo a destiempo en adolescentes. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 2002, vol.18, n.2, pp. 107-111. ISSN 1561-2961.

An analytical and observational case-control study was conducted among 77 pregnant women and 231 apparently sound non-gravid women that received attention at "José Martí" Teaching Polyclinic, in Santiago de Cuba, during 1998, aimed at determining some familiar and personal risk factors associated with early pregnancy. It was found that parents had given an inadequate information to a great number of the adolescents differently from the controls. Most of them did not use contraceptive methods, eventhough they knew them, and there was little communication between them and their mothers in more than half of the cases. It was also observed lack of support of their partners in approximately one third of the cases. The ratio of cross products and the confidence interval were applied, whereas for the analysis of the collected information, it was used the Epinfo 5 system by the Statcal subprogram. The attributable risk was determined in percentage exposed to know the impact that will be attained on acting on the predisposing factors.


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