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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2961


AGRAMONTE DEL SOL, Alain  y  MENA MARTIN, Francisco. Historical, cultural and activity approach in the Nursing Baccalaureate training. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 2006, vol.22, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2961.

This paper deals with one of the most important aspects of the teaching process that attracts the attention of many Pedagogy specialists, directors, teaching institutions, and of different and important social sectors: learning. It is explained the importance of the pedagogical trend denominated Historical, Cultural and Activity Approach developed in the XX century that preconizes the social character of learning by means of the necessary union between the student and the social, historical and cultural context surrounding him. The result will be the comprehensive training of the student. Some elements of this pedagogical trend that serve as a foundation for structuring a didactic strategy for the teaching and learning of the Nursing Care Process are dealt with. The active character of the student, the concept of Close Development Zone and its importance, as well as the deeply social character approached by Vigotsky and col. in their theses are taken into consideration. Language is considered as a mediator of the cognitive activity of student. It is concluded that it is necessary to cultivate the most advanced teaching traditions in the training of the Nursing Baccalaureate, while the Historical, Cultural and Activity Approach is considered as the basis needed to plan and apply a system of actions conceived in methodological strategies favouring a learning of quality.

Palabras clave : Historical,Cultural and Activity Approach; teaching trend; teaching current; training; Nursing Baccalaureate.

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