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vol.26 número2El saber práctico en EnfermeríaLa educación como estrategia para mejorar la adherencia de los pacientes en terapia dialítica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2961


BASCO PRADO, Luis; FARINAS RODRIGUEZ, Silvia  y  HIDALGO BLANCO, Miguel Ángel. Sleep characteristic of patients in intensive care unit. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 2010, vol.26, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2961.

The dream, as a measure of sleep, is a uniform resting state of an organism, as opposed to the waking state, when man is awake. Sleep is characterized by low levels of physiological activity (blood pressure, respiration, heart rate) and a lower response to external stimuli. Night rest of patients admitted to intensive care is an issue of great importance in the process of health/disease, as it has a direct impact of their adequate recovery Intensive Care Units have been considered generating stress due to this architecture and advanced technology, thus interacting with the appearance of cognitive symptoms by patients in conjunction with other factors have resulted in the ¨ICU Syndrome¨. The aim of this review is to describe the factors that the influence the dreams of intensive care patients.

Palabras clave : Sleep; intensive care; ICU syndrome.

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