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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2961


PERNAS GOMEZ, Marta  y  URIARTE MULEN, Oscar. Inter and transdisciplinarity in the basic science in the new model of nursing education. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 2010, vol.26, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2961.

It described major curricular changes that characterize the new model of nursing education in Cuba, particularly the flexible organizational model Flexnerian basic biomedical Science and its impact on the transformation of the curriculum towards a model more consistent with the ideological foundations of equity and social justice Cuban University. Given the need to modify the disciplinary composition of the first year of the race, within a new curriculum model ( MFM) that integrates technical and vocational training collage, a study was developed multi and interdisciplinary team to identify relevant content bossed on those who have traditionally been addressed in this race for several subjects of biomedical science, also worked on the identification of the essential and in the organization and structuring of the content in accordance with the requirements of the MFN and precedence relations Nursing discipline. It was possible a redistribution of biomedical sciences over the race with and inter and transdisciplinary approach that has been recognized has having a favorable impact on academic success and retention of students in the first year of the race. This has led to its rapid job placement as basic nursing with positive impact on students' socioeconomic status and coverage of services. Its correct implementation, development and evaluation by the methodological work of the teachers will encourage their development, according to a growing relevance and quality in nursing education.

Palabras clave : interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinarity; retention; curriculum changes.

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