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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0319


MOLANO PIRAZAN, María Luisa  y  GUERRERO, Nidia Sandra. Characteristics of the nurse caregiver and the person receiving care in a neonatal atmosphere. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 2012, vol.28, n.2, pp. 169-180. ISSN 0864-0319.

Introduction: The daily practice of the nursing care in a neonatal atmosphere, it is not only supported by technical and scientific knowledge as it is mediated by the interaction between who is receiving care and who is providing care. Therefore, the knowledge, commitment, ethics, the intuition art and the acceptance of the other by who takes care precede the action. Objective: To describe the characteristics of the nurse (male nurse) that takes care and the person taken care of in a neo-natal atmosphere, from the narrative of a nursing situation, under theoretical basis. Methods: it is developed in three parts: the first two are the theoretical review of the characteristics of the person who take cares and who is taken care of, the third is the situation of nursing "Encouraging a Hope" with its respective analysis and abstraction of the care characteristics in a neonatal atmosphere. Results: The characteristics of the person who takes care and who is taken care of in a neonatal atmosphere are shown, through the analysis of the narrative of a nursing situation. This type of analysis becomes a contribution to the enhancement of our profession and academic, scientist and social recognition.

Palabras clave : nursing; neonatal nursing; care; narrative.

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