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Pastos y Forrajes

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0394


CABRERA, Grisel. Edaphic macrofauna as biological indicator of the conservation/disturbance status of soil. Results obtained in Cuba. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2012, vol.35, n.4, pp. 346-363. ISSN 0864-0394.

In order to predict the degradation status of a soil, a group of variables comprising its physical, chemical and/or biological properties is used. Macrofauna, which includes soil invertebrates higher than 2 mm of diameter, is a biological component that can be used for such purpose. Its taxonomic richness as well as its density, biomass and functional composition change depending on the effect of diverse land uses and managements. This review reaffirms that the macrofauna characteristics and the results obtained, mainly in Cuba, about its variation in ecosystems with different anthropization levels, support the potential use of this fauna as biological indicator of the soil's conservation status. Future studies should consider a lower taxonomic level in the identification of macrofauna, and relate its taxonomic and functional composition to the climate and pedological factors.

Palabras clave : Soil conservation; soil fauna.

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