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Pastos y Forrajes

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0394


RAMIREZ, Mireidy; VELAZQUEZ, Yuliet  y  STEELE, Lisandra. Proposal of actions for the development of the popular council Carrera Larga, Guantánamo, Cuba (Technical note). Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2013, vol.36, n.4, pp. 489-494. ISSN 0864-0394.

A study was conducted at the popular council Carrera Larga, El Salvador municipality (Guantánamo province, Cuba), in the period between February and December, 2012, in order to propose actions that contribute new elements to the knowledge system of the inhabitants. Through the diagnosis the potentialities of the territory were identified to implement a sustainable development process, with the purpose of guaranteeing an adequate living standard and social protection for all citizens. The research was exploratory, descriptive and non-experimental, and a descriptive trans-sectional design was used. The methodology used was based on the principles of the Participatory-Action-Research, to identify the principal potentialities that contribute to the adequate foundation of the development strategy of the locality. It was proven that the incorporation of the actions allows channel such development, with relation to the environment changes and the endogenous capacities of the community.

Palabras clave : agricultural development; diagnosis; communities.

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