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Pastos y Forrajes

versión On-line ISSN 2078-8452


HERMIDA, Hector. Inclusion of cassava root meal in the diet of K-53 Campero chicken. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2015, vol.38, n.2, pp. 207-212. ISSN 2078-8452.

Three hundred male Campero chicken (21 days old) of the K-53 genotype were used, in order to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) root meal in the concentrate feed, on the productive performance; as well as to evaluate the sanitary stability of the produced feedstuff. The design was completely randomized, with three treatments (0, 20 and 40 % of inclusion of cassava root meal) and five repetitions (represented by pens with 20 Campero chicken each). For the microbiological analysis of the feedstuff samples were taken 14, 28 and 42 days after elaborating the diets. The viability was 100 % in the three treatments; the live weight of the animals at 63 days (1 957, 2 015 and 1 941 g) and the feed intake did not differ among the treatments; however, the inclusion of 20 % cassava root meal significantly improved the feed conversion. Likewise, the inclusion of 20 and 40 % of cassava root meal produced a higher yield in carcass, but there were not significant differences among the treatments in the yield in breast and leg quarters. It was proven that the inclusion of up to 40 % cassava root meal in the concentrate feed affected neither the consumption nor the productive performance of K-53 male Campero chicken; while the diets up to 42 days after being elaborated maintained stability in their sanitary and microbiological indicators

Palabras clave : Concentrate feeds; performance; unskinned carcass yield.

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