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Pastos y Forrajes

versión On-line ISSN 2078-8452


BOVER-FELICES, Katia et al. Evaluation of the structure, functioning and performance of mixed agriculture-animal farming agrosystems. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.3, pp. 208-218. ISSN 2078-8452.

In order to evaluate the structure, functioning and performance of three mixed agriculture-animal husbandry systems of Matanzas province, Cuba, the Ecological Network Analysis was used. Technical data and operational decisions made by farmers at agrosystem level were collected; likewise, the agrosystems LQ (Colón municipality), P (Cárdenas) and CP (Perico) were modeled, in terms of nitrogen flow networks in a one-year period. A flow matrix was constructed for each study case; and structure, functioning and performance indicators were calculated. The density of internal links (Fi/n) was high for the three case studies, with values between 3,37 and 2,88. The flows were more homogeneous in the farms CP and LQ, with organization values of 0,38 and 0,37, respectively. The total internal flows (TT/ha) varied from 476,63 kg N/ha in the farm LQ to 1 941,23 in P, and the N recycling value (FCI) was also higher for these farms (12 and 58 %, respectively). It was proven that farm CP was the one that imported more inputs per area unit (207,6 kg N/ha), and the one with higher productivity value (202,4 kg N/ha). It is concluded that the three agrosystems were similar among them in terms of structure and functioning; they are diverse and complex systems in which differences were observed in the distribution and size of the flows, as well as in the performance indicators.

Palabras clave : network analysis; flow; nitrogen.

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