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Pastos y Forrajes

versión On-line ISSN 2078-8452


ACOSTA-CASELLA, Liber Manuel; COURDIN-MAXIMO, Virginia  y  ARBELETCHE-FAVAT, Pedro Raúl. Animal husbandry-forestry integration as alternative for family agriculture in a region of Uruguay. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.3, pp. 219-226. ISSN 2078-8452.

The objectve of this study was to evaluate the cooperation and productive integration agreement between the Montes del Plata company (EFMDP) and the family farmers from the agrarian clubs of the Agrarian Youth Movement (MJA, for its initials in Spanish) in a region of the Durazno department as an alternative of animal husbandry-forestry integration. The methodological approach had a qualitative focus, based on an exploratory and multiple case study. The analysis units were both clubs and the farmers who are members of them. The survey and semi-structured interview were used, as techniques. The evaluation was made from the pertinence, effectiveness and sustainability dimensions. As results, the problems shared by the animal husbandry family farmers who are members of both agrarian clubs emerged, as well as the common strategies adopted to remain producing and living in rural areas. Among the latter the productive integration and associative process stand out, as tangible opportunity to have access to the land resource; and pluriactivity, as mechanism of improvement in the family incomes and warrant of their reproduction in time, on which the productive activities have low incidence with regards to the non-productive ones. It is concluded that the evaluation of the cooperation and productive integration agreement between the EFMDP and the family farmers from the agrarian clubs of the MJA in Durzano is pertinent and effective and its sustainability is moderate.

Palabras clave : cooperation; evaluation; sustainability.

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