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versión impresa ISSN 0864-084X


VALDES DIAZ, Gilmer et al. Mass spectroscopy investigation of the effect of gamma irradiation on the mean value of the number of ethoxy groups in the triton x-100. Nucleus [online]. 2007, n.41, pp. 50-52. ISSN 0864-084X.

The effect of gamma radiation from a 60Co source on the structure of a nonionic surfactant, namely TRITON X-100, was investigated. Three main regions can be distinguished in the behavior of the mean value of ethoxy groups with an increase in the absorbed dose. However just a slightly decrease on this mean value was obtained when the dose range from 0 to 70 kGy.

Palabras clave : gamma radiation; cobalt 60; radiation doses; mass spectroscopy; sterilization; radiation dose distributions; polymers.

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