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versión impresa ISSN 0864-084X


HERRERA PALMA, Victoria  y  SENDOYA PUENTE, Félix. Current trends in degradation assessment on metallic materials of industrial components. Nucleus [online]. 2007, n.42, pp. 16-27. ISSN 0864-084X.

The need to assess objectively a structural integrity analysis in nuclear and thermal power-, oil- and chemical- industry systems, represents a large challenge for engineers and researchers related to Materials Science, equipment manufactures or users. These systems share many of their problems with regards to aging mechanisms of components metallic materials, high replacement costs and increasing requirements on efficiency and safety. This paper makes an attempt to give an overview of the current trends on material damage and residual life assessment for installations of power-, oil- and chemical industry. Some of the currently existing ideas on components inspection, as an activity for damage detection are shown. A summary on mechanisms of material damage and experimental techniques for their characterization is also presented. Finally, some analytical methods with wide appliance in materials damage evaluation and residual life assessment of components are described.

Palabras clave : gamma spectroscopy; scanning electron microscopy; steels; water chemistry; X ray fluorescence analysis.

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