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Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral
versión On-line ISSN 1561-3038
VALDES MACOLA, Emilia Yamilka; ACUNA MONTERO, Berta Lidia y FERNANDEZ CUMBA, Edilberto. Noonam's syndrome. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr [online]. 2006, vol.22, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3038.
The case of a 19-year-old male patient with Noonam's syndrome is described. It is characterized by chest deformity and minor malformations in the face. He was categorized at the familiy physician no. 1, corresponding to the Medical Center of the Computer Science University , in La Lisa municipality, Havana City. This patient is being followed up at present in the pneumology service of "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Clinical and Surgical Hospital.
Palabras clave : Noonam's syndrome; adolescent; primary care; categorization.